Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prawns – Pepper Garlic

50 prawns big/100 prawns small

10 shirt red chillies
8 long red chillies
1.5 tsp jeera
.5 turmeric
.5 tsp pepper
4 medium sized onions
2 tbsp pepper
4 cloves of garlic
Small ball of tamrind


Mustard and garlic crushed

In a little vessel add oil and put the mustard. When it splutters, add garlic, fry for a minute. Add one chopped tomato then add the masala and fry till the masala leaves the sides and turns to a round ball. Add prawns to it and fry for 2 minutes, then add all the prawns to it.

Variation: potatoes

Friday, June 5, 2009

Prawn Pickle

Boil 4 cups of water with 2-4 spoons of salt and cool and keep it aside.


20 long red chillies
5 short red chillies
1/2 tsp jeera
1/2 tsp turmeric

3)Grind the above masala with the above mentioned water and diluted vinegar

4)Cut the folloiwng into small pieces
a) 8 green chillies b) small piece of ginger c) 1 pod garlic

5)Dilute little vinegar and cook the above item No 4 in it for 2 to 3 min and cool
6)Marinate the prawns with little salt and turmeric and fry in gingly oil and keep it aside to cool.


6 tbsp ginglye oil (you can also use the oil left after 3 cloevs of garlic crushed 7-8 curry patta (frying the prawns) Add the above ground masala & fry for about 5 mts (let the masala be little dry) and left it to cool.

Finally add the prawns and strained green chillies, ginger and garlic to the masala. The diluted vinegar in which the No. 4 was cooked can be used to mix the pickle to the required consistency. If you require salt use the salt water prepared to grind the masala.

Anita Britto

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Welcome !

Hi from Dubai!

This is Anita Britto! I want to add some of my mother in laws recipes, which I have tried and tastes yummy! I would like to share with all out there. Try these recipes and give me your comments! Happy Blogging!